I have put together some instructions on how to document an OSLC server using Swagger/OpenAPI. This assumes you are using the Lyo SDK.
Since OSLC servers are already RESTful, a basic
setup is quite easy (minor changes to pom.xml, web.xml. Plus a single @Api annotation for each OSLC Service).
Anyone that has been using Swagger with OSLC?
I would like to discuss if/how we can leverage more of the Swagger functionality such as the generation of Clients & Servers from a larger number of languages.
Swagger provides a very good overview of the OSLC services. It also provides an interactive console that allows one to test the services from a web browser.
But, one challenge I see is the fact that Swagger does not recognise OSLC’s Shapes. Instead, it introspects the java classes to produce json structures.
How useful would a generation of client/server code be in the end?
For those using Lyo Designer (https://wiki.eclipse.org/Lyo/Lyo_Designer) to model and generate OSLC4J code, the next step will naturally be to provide a checkbox to allow you to enable/disable
Swagger documentation.
This way, you can go from a graphical model all the way to Swagger’s interactive UI.
Finally, if you want to see Swagger+OSLC in action, have a look at the sample RM server under the swagger branch on
Jad El-khoury,
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
School of Industrial Engineering and Management, Mechatronics Division
Brinellvägen 83, SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: +46(0)8 790 6877 Mobile: +46(0)70 773 93 45