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Re: [linux-distros-dev] Eclipse 3.8-4.6.3

On Fri, Jun 9, 2017 at 11:39 AM, Josh Blagden <jfblagden@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I was checking the repositories for Eclipse, and I was surprised to find
that even Debian Testing still has Eclipse version 3.8. Why hasn't it
moved onto the current version, 4.6.3? I thought Testing was supposed to
have newer software.

I'm not sure if any Eclipse stack maintainers in Debian are currently following
this list, but in case they are, they would have the answers you seek. Otherwise,
I would direct your question towards a Debian mailing list to see the status.

Doing a search, I managed to find which basically makes
it seem like there aren't enough people willing to do the packaging work necessary.

There are distros that keep up to date with the latest Eclipse releases but my
guess is for those that don't, their recommendation is probably to just download
the linux specific tarball that is released at the Eclipse Foundation.

Hope this helps,
Roland Grunberg

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