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Re: [jgit-dev] Improving ObjectIdSubclassMap performance

On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 16:28, Robin Rosenberg
<robin.rosenberg@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Have you measured how much time is spend doing linear searches? Seems
> only using half the table would mean lots of holes, but unlike other
> tables the penalty for having one could be quite large, because you
> steal buckets from the legitimate owners, and that could perhaps be much
> more expensive that you expect.
> Allowing more air than 50% in the table could give some hints about this
> behavior, or even adding counters just for measuring.

This was bothering me most of last night. So I rewrite the entire
table today. :-)

Testing the "Counting objects" part of PackWriter on 1886362 objects:

  load factor 50%
  table: 4194304 (wasted 2307942)
  ms spent 36998 36009 34795 34703 34941 35070 34284 34511 34638 34256
  ms avg 34800 (last 9 runs)

  load factor 100%
  table: 2097152 (wasted 210790)
  directory: 1024
  ms spent 36842 35112 34922 34703 34580 34782 34165 34662 34314 34140
  ms avg 34597 (last 9 runs)

OwnerMap is about 200 ms faster, more friendly to the GC, and uses
less storage. Let me explain.

The major difference with OwnerMap is entries must extend from
ObjectIdOwnerMap.Entry, where the OwnerMap has injected its own
private "next" field into each object. This allows the OwnerMap to use
a singly linked list for chaining collisions within a bucket. By
putting collisions in a linked list, we gain the entire table back for
the SHA-1 bits to index their own "private" slot.

Unfortunately this means that each object can appear in at most ONE
OwnerMap, as there is only one "next" field within the object instance
to thread into the map. For types that are very object map heavy like
RevWalk (RevObject) and PackWriter (ObjectToPack) this is sufficient,
these instances are only put into one map by their container. By
introducing a new map type, we don't break existing applications that
might be trying to use ObjectIdSubclassMap to track RevCommits they
obtained from a RevWalk.

The OwnerMap uses less memory. Each object uses 1 reference more (so
we're up 1886362 references), but the table is 1/2 the size (2^20
rather than 2^21). The table itself wastes only 210790 slots, rather
than 2307942. So we're wasting about 200k fewer references in total.

OwnerMap is more friendly to the GC, because it hardly ever generates
garbage. As the map reaches its 100% load factor target, it doubles in
size by allocating additional segment arrays of 2048 entries. (So the
first grow allocates 1 segment, second 2 segments, third 4 segments,
etc.) These segments are hooked into the pre-allocated directory of
1024 spaces. This permits the map to grow to 2 million objects before
the directory itself has to grow. By using segments of 2048 entries,
we are asking the GC to acquire 8,204 bytes in a 32 bit JVM. This is
easier to satisfy then 2,307,942 bytes (for the 512k table that is
just an intermediate step in the SubclassMap). By reusing the
previously allocated segments (they are re-hashed in-place) we don't
release any memory during a table grow.

When the directory grows, it does so by discarding the old one and
using one that is 4x larger (so the directory goes to 4096 entries on
its first grow). A directory of size 4096 can handle up to 8 millon
objects. The second directory grow (16384) goes to 33 million objects.
At that point we're starting to really push the limits of the JVM
heap, but at least its many small arrays. Previously SubclassMap would
need a table of 67108864 entries to handle that object count, which
needs a single contiguous allocation of 256 MiB. That's hard to come
by in a 32 bit JVM. Instead OwnerMap uses ~8192 arrays of about 2 MiB
each. This should be much easier to fit into a fragmented heap.

Change is


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