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[jakartaee-tck-dev] Platform TCK User Guide discussion...


The Platform TCK User Guide looks to still need some updates, especially for the `1.2.1 Jakarta EE 10 Technologies Tested with Jakarta EE 10 Platform TCK` section in [1] which currently contains:


1.2.1 Jakarta EE 10 Technologies Tested with Jakarta EE 10 Platform TCK

The Jakarta EE 10 Platform TCK test suite includes compatibility tests for the
following required and optional Jakarta EE 10 technologies:

* Jakarta Authentication 3.0
* Jakarta Authorization 2.1
* Jakarta Bean Validation 3.0
* Jakarta Common Annotations 2.1
* Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection 4.0
* Jakarta Concurrency 3.0
* Jakarta Connectors 2.1
* Jakarta Debugging Support for Other Languages 2.0
* Jakarta Dependency Injection 2.0
* Jakarta Enterprise Beans 4.0
* Jakarta _expression_ Language 5.0
* Jakarta Faces 4.0
* Jakarta JSON Processing 2.1
* Jakarta JSON Binding 3.0
* Jakarta Interceptors 2.1
* Jakarta Mail 2.1
* Jakarta Messaging 3.1
* Jakarta Persistence 3.1
* Jakarta RESTful Web Services 3.1
* Jakarta Security 3.0
* Jakarta Server Pages 3.1
* Jakarta Servlet 6.0
* Jakarta Standard Tag Library 3.0
* Jakarta Transactions 2.0
* Jakarta WebSocket 2.1
* Jakarta Enterprise Beans 3.2 and earlier entity beans and associated Jakarta Enterprise Beans QL (optional)
* Jakarta Enterprise Beans 2.x API group (optional)
* Jakarta Enterprise Web Services 4.0 (optional)
* Jakarta SOAP with Attachments 3.0 (optional)
* Jakarta XML Web Services 3.0 (optional)


The Platform TCK does not contain tests for all of the above mentioned technologies (e.g. Debugging Support for Other Languages tests are in [2]).  While it is nice to have a list of technologies included in the Full Platform, I am not sure of the purpose of having this list of technologies which currently looks wrong about which technologies are tested exactly by the Platform TCK. 

Should we remove the 1.2.1 (Full Platform) + 1.2.2 (Web Profile) text or update it?

If we update it, should the 1.2.1/1.2.2 titles be changed to a list of technologies that are in Full Platform/Web Profile instead of what is tested?



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