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[jakartaee-tck-dev] Removing unused imports/wildcards from TCK tests and collecting Platform TCK dependencies to help with the (possible) Platform TCK test refactoring that we need to start talking about soon ...


I would like to remove unused imports from the TCK tests. I would also like to eliminate wildcard imports (e.g. import jakarta.servlet.*).

The reason is to better understand what the dependencies are on each test group. I started a script [1] for collecting some dependency information about the Platform TCK tests but think that we need to clean up the unused imports so we only collect the true dependencies.

So far, I have been using Intellij `Optimize Imports` feature to remove unused imports but have found it inconsistent with regard to how deeply into the src/com/sun/ts/tests tree it goes. I think that it works better if I right click on each folder under src/com/sun/ts/tests and have it `Optimize Imports` from there.

Question, does anyone know how to reconfigure Intellij settings such that `Optimize Imports` would only remove unused imports + wildcard imports? I would like to avoid the reordering of the imports in the interest of reducing the subsequent pull request size.

Are there other editors that might better handle removing unused imports + wildcard imports?

Note that [1] also collects the number of Platform level SPEC assertions as well.



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