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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] Interceptors TCK -- what version of Platform TCK?

On Thu, Sep 1, 2022, 9:02 PM Ed Bratt <ed.bratt@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I'm looking over the various specifications and I notice that Interceptors 2.0 just lists the Jakarta EE 9 platform TCK. I believe we are also allowing Jakarta EE 10 Platform TCK as a certification TCK for interceptors (all Platform TCKs can validate for interceptor compatibility). Also (if I recall) CDI implementations do not need to run an additional TCK yet will certify compatible implementations, compatible with Interceptor API.

EE 9 implementations can run the EE 9  Platform TCk but I don't think they can expect to run the EE 10 Platform TCK until they implement interceptors 2.1 (updates dependencies for EE 10 and adds a JPMS module-info descriptor) and implement other EE 10 specs. 

So it seems fine to me the way Interceptors 2.0 just lists EE 9 Platform TCK.

I'm wondering how we should convey this information on the Specification page.

I think at the least, we ought to list the Jakarta EE 10 Platform TCK as an approved compatibility validation TCK. I do not believe we want to imply that one must run the EE 9 Platform TCK to certify Interceptors. I think we can consider saying nothing on the interceptors Spec. page about CDI TCK, relying on the CDI TCK to call out the requirement for interceptor compatibility as well as the validation that the TCK verifies interceptor compatibility. By extension, we could say nothing on the Interceptors page but that, at least to me, leaves me wondering -- what would a vendor be expected to do. Perhaps something calling out (on the Spec. page) "Platform products may certify Interceptors compatibility for their product using the latest Platform TCK of the Platform version they are releasing."

Anyone have thoughts on this?

(I realize this is kind of an low priority issue since few if any implementations are going to certify Interceptors outside of one of the other specification bodies (EE Platform or CDI TCKs).

-- Ed

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