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[ide-dev] Highlights for 2021-06 landing page

Hi all,


The Eclipse IDE landing page highlights some of the features of the release. Please see landing pages for the past releases - and for examples.


Similar to the previous releases, we would like to gather inputs from the community on features that can be highlighted on the page for 2021-06 release.


The content we have so far:


1. Latest Java support - Supports Java 16 and provides the necessary tooling for development

2. Support for Mac AArch64 - Eclipse supports Mac AArch64 (Arm64) for Apple M1 based systems

3. Improved Java Development Tooling - Many new cleanups added, improved debug hover and evaluation over chain of variables.


Please provide your inputs/suggestions on any features or points that can be added to the page for this release.

Thanks & Regards,
Lakshmi P Shanmugam,
Eclipse Platform Co-lead,
India Software Lab, Bangalore

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