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Re: [ide-dev] Eclipse IDE in the brower

On Sat, Oct 19, 2019 at 12:27 AM Max Rydahl Andersen <manderse@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> To demo this, the Eclipse IDE is available as an editor in Che 7, that
> you can try on [](<>) for
> instance. You can tweak a Che workspace and configure the editor to be
> Eclipse IDE instead of Theia and remove a few other che plugins like
> jdt-ls which becomes irrelevant for Eclipse IDE. This will use the
> Docker image mentioned above, will start the Eclipse IDE as editor in
> Che, so you can show the same features and tell users "sure, Eclipse
> IDE/Che can do that".

Do you have instructions on how to do this ? I couldn't spot it there. I
assume it require a custom devfile with a different tool stack or how ?

che plugin description is in
See attached screenshot for usage in Che via workspace configuration UI. I imagine it's also configurable from devfile, but I didn't try.
Mickael Istria
Eclipse IDE developer, for Red Hat Developers

Attachment: Screenshot from 2019-10-19 00-47-02.png
Description: PNG image

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