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Re: [ide-dev] Code editors in the Eclipse (IDE)

I think we could develop a language server as a black box, so that from an external point of view behaves like a default Eclipse editor. To do this, we just need a proper interface. 

Inline image 4

After the implementation is stable (LightWeightEditor - LSProtocol - LServer) , the black box is equivalent to any Eclipse Text Editor. Then we could easily swap the default editor. with the new one. 

Also XML editors could be a good start, as the syntax is simple and it is easy to find long files, to have though tests for the syntax highlighter. 

Kind Regards,

Patrik Suzzi
Engineer, Eclipse
Platform UI Committer

mobile+39 333 39 79 300  

On Fri, Jun 17, 2016 at 1:06 PM, Mickael Istria <mistria@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Thanks Tom et al. for the details,

On 06/15/2016 01:42 PM, Tom Schindl wrote:
On to bug 496114. I would stay away of doing the implementation on
So you basically think that this should be yet-another-editor in the IDE? I believe that would be a fine solution only if it becomes the default text editor and associate itself with about everything.
Also, I actually believe that your concern about changing the TextEditor risking to cascade to all other editors are actually something we want. If you think at how hyperlink or error markers are implemented at the Platform level and not in each editor, it seems to me that it is the right way forward. The features shouldn't rely that much on which editor is open, having the right feature set open according to the file format or some other metadata seems actually more relevant to me.
Also, let's imagine we introduce generic extensions for completion or coloration, there is nothing that would prevent specialized editor like JDT or JSDT or XText to override this behavior (that's already what they do actually, they override the default behavior of text editor -currently no behavior for coloration/completion- by their own implementation). If we hook the extensions at the right place, then we can hope most existing specialized editors would remain unchanged.

Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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