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Re: [ee4j-community] Licensing Question

On 2017-10-05 6:33 AM, John D. Ament wrote:
Mike, are you saying that EPLv2 will always be used then as a primary license?  The way I'm reading it is that a project can opt to use one of these licenses (EPLv2, GPLv2) but it sounds like you're saying it will always be EPLv2.

I am trying to keep things simple, because how this works is subtle.

The important point is that the ASF would always be able to use any artifacts from EE4J under the EPLv2 license. So there is no issue here. Perhaps you should ask the fine folks over at apache-legal to confirm my conclusions.

Mike Milinkovich
(m) +1.613.220.3223

EclipseCon Europe 2017

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