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[] Status of SR2 respin plan


Just wanted to keep you all up-to-date on the latest plan for Juno SR2 respin.

First, my little "surgical" manipulation didn't work but by the time I tried, I was mostly curious. I think Konstantin had a good point that the aggregator is an easy way to make sure no one else in repo slipped in a hard requirement on EGit 2.3. While there's other ways to tell, I also became concerned about that approach because a) The aggregator makes the "categories" too, and apparently there were changes there too, and b) it is common "practice" (or, best practice, if not a common) that when composites are used, each sub-repo of the composite is itself "well formed" which it would not be if we simply removed EGit. (Or, at least, would be hard to tell, and that is what the b3 aggregator does easily).

So, after deciding to use the "make an aggregation from the aggregation" approach, it was just a question of which version of EGit to use. I went with 2.2 (instead of 2.1) since there was a request from WTP's PMC lead (who also maintains the JEE package) and others, on cross-project list. That, and even if we "tightened the rules" about minor updates during maintenance releases, EGit's 2.2. release would almost qualify, except they missed RC1 and RC2. (I added some ideas for "tightening the rules" in the summary of our "emergency meeting" [1] ... we can discuss at next meeting (or, at least before next maintenance release :)  

I've opened bug 401639 to document the mechanics of the respin, but if any of you have any concerns/comments about this slightly updated plan, please say. We can always hold another emergency meeting if you'd like? :)  My only concern at this point is if there's some "greedy requirement" or or something that gets pulled in, that might effect packages ... unlikely, but ... we'll know on Monday, or Tuesday.

In all seriousness, thanks for your help sorting through this complicated situation.


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