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[] Finalized the program

Hi all,

I just put in the last few rejection notes (some I missed, some others missed :-(, all for the tutorials). I checked the rejection notes for all tracks except OSGi (I have no idea if all talks are accepted) and marked the accepted/declined/waitinglist selection for the standard talks and tutorials for all tracks (again excluding OSGi).

I had to move a few talks from accepted to waiting list since we overcommitted the slots expecting a few vacancies from OSGi. Actually OSGi will select every talk from their list.

Please use the entries in the submission system as reference to the program from now on. I don’t plan to update the Google doc to reflect changes in the submission system.

From my point of view we are good to go.

Since the directors pick from Mike is still open I would suggest to send out acceptance and waiting list notifications today and wait until Monday or Tuesday for rejection mails (when Mike will be back from the Canadian wilderness with no Internet access).

If I goofed up on something please let me know!

Thank you for your help




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