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RE: [] Stickers on EclipseConbadges

I really like this idea Don.  It’s supports the reality that Eclipse has grown into a lot of specific technical verticals.


Doug G


From: [] On Behalf Of Donald Smith
Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2006 10:49 AM
To: 'Ken Bauer'; 'Eclipsecon Program Committee list'
Subject: RE: [] Stickers on EclipseConbadges


Yes - MSW is looking at making the badges bigger to accommodate the space and are checking on the sticker options.  Yet another reason to keep the set small, we don't want people to have to distinguish between "Hawaiian Orchid Purple" and "Devastating Purple" :)


 - Don


From: Ken Bauer [mailto:kenbauer@xxxxxxx]
Sent: December 6, 2006 10:45 AM
To: donald.smith@xxxxxxxxxxx; Eclipsecon Program Committee list
Subject: Re: [] Stickers on EclipseCon badges



Great idea. Make sure to use a colour coding scheme for the different stickers, it will help to quickly identify people.

Then look at your badge real-estate to see how big they can be.


- Ken


On 6-Dec-06, at 8:40 AM, Donald Smith wrote:

The Eclipse ecosystem is diverse, and it can sometimes be a challenge (especially for exhibitors) to identify people who are interested in a particular market. For example, it would be great if Embedded folks were able to easily spot each other, and great value for Exhibitors to know if someone was keen on the Embedded space.

We are looking at including a set of stickers in the bags this year that allow people to identify what is interesting to them. Just like last year we plan to have "Ask me about" stickers, but this would be additional. I am imagining something like a 1" brightly colored sticker that says "Embedded", etc.

Now for the hard part - to come up with a small enough set of stickers that covers enough interesting groups of people. It seems to me that 6 or 7 would be the absolute max, otherwise it will get confusing. I am hesitant to have stickers to designate projects, or else we may end up with 60+ sticker suggestions, which won't work.

Does anyone have suggestions on categories? Here is my straw man:







To help with this - try to imagine logical "sub conference" segments that show up at EclipseCon.


- Don


Donald Smith donald.smith@xxxxxxxxxxx

Director of Ecosystem Development

Office: (613) 224-9461 x231

Cell: (613) 292-5160

Fax: (613) 224-5172


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