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Re: [eclipse-dev] Java 7 Features in Eclipse

I installed Eclipse 3.6M6. And, as Olivier suggested, I checked out the following branch of org.eclipse.jdt.core.

Repository path: /cvsroot/eclipse
Module:          org.eclipse.jdt.core
Tag:             JSR_308 (Branch)

Olivier warned me that refactorings won't work in this branch jdt. But, I'm OK with that. I'm just going to experiment with JSR 308 in eclipse. I won't need refactorings for my experiments. So, I'd like to configure Eclipse to compile Java code that uses type annotations.

I exported this particular branch of org.eclipse.jdt.core into host, as Markus and Pascal instructed. And, I verified that the plugin had been successfully installed by checking that the patch was listed  in the Eclipse SDK installation details.

However, Eclipse doesn't compile the following piece of code.

public class TryTypeAnnotation {
    void m(@NonNull TryTypeAnnotation v) {

I wonder if there are any predefined sets of type annotations such as @NonNull that I can try. I couldn't find any by browsing the source code of jdt.core. I also looked for tests hoping that I'd find examples of pieces of JSR 308 code that the eclipse compiler accepts. But, I didn't find any tests in the plugin that I exported.

I'd appreciate it if you could point me to some sample JSR 308 codes that this particular branch of the jdt.core accepts.


On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 8:11 AM, Olivier Thomann <Olivier_Thomann@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
You should take the branch contents, not one of its version. If you really
want to stick with the versions, then yes this is the latest one.
I would not replace the jdt.core bundle with the one from that branch now.
The DOM/AST has not been updated yet to support the new syntax from the
JSR 308. So most refactorings won't work.
You can however use the batch compiler from that version of jdt.core.

If you have any question, let me know.


Mohsen Vakilian <mohsen.eclipse@xxxxxxxxx>
"General development mailing list of the Eclipse project."
2010-04-15 02:17
Re: [eclipse-dev] Java 7 Features in Eclipse
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I checked out the following CVS project. Is it the latest version of the
branch that implements JSR 308?

Repository path: /cvsroot/eclipse
Module:          org.eclipse.jdt.core
Tag:             JSR308_v_A44 (Version)

Then, I used scripts/build.xml to generate the jar file. I simply replaced
the jar file in the plugins/ directory by my own jar file. But, Eclipse
didn't load the jdt. How should I replace the jdt.core plugin in my
Eclipse installation by my own jdt.core jar file. It looks like I have to
configure multiple places such as artifacts.xml and features/. Could you
point me to a document that describes how to replace the jdt plugin by my
own plugin?

On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 4:32 PM, Olivier Thomann <
Olivier_Thomann@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Right now the only work that we could do relative to Java 7 is the
implementation of the JSR 308.
See the branch: JSR_308 for the org.eclipse.jdt.core project and all
jdt.core tests projects.

Let me now if you don't find it.


Mohsen Vakilian <mohsen.eclipse@xxxxxxxxx>
2010-04-14 17:30
[eclipse-dev] Java 7 Features in Eclipse
Sent by:

The following is an excerpt from the eclipse project plan page at

[...] we have decided to move the development work to a separate branch
and decouple it from the 3.6 release. In that branch we will continue to
develop the Java 7 features as they become publicly accessible. We will
deliver separate updates for the official builds in order to provide early
access to Java 7 features.

Can anyone point me to the branch of eclipse that supports Java 7
features? _______________________________________________
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