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[eclipse-dev] Planning Meeting Post-Notes - March 4, 2009

All teams are asked to evaluate risk items for completing 3.5 on time and on plan. We are soon heading to the final 3.5 milestone so major work should be wrapping up.

We had a discussion about memory performance. We consistently require more heap than we did in the past for regular self-hosting usage. We need to either significantly improve heap performance or increase our default maximum heap settings.  Frederic will coordinate investigation of where the space is going, but all teams should be looking at their memory usage with an eye to what has changed since 3.4, potential leaks, etc.

If anyone sees a problem opening the help system please add a note to the following bug, and be sure to state what hardware, OS and JRE you are using:

p2 has released new support for improving interaction with slow/unresponsive repositories, and for providing better explanations for installs that cannot complete due to unsatifiable constraints. Please try these out and give feedback via bugzilla.


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