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Re: [eclipse-dev] Planning Meeting Notes - Oct 5, 2005

- added CharOperation API for CamelCase matching
  (see CharOperation#camelCaseMatch(...))
- tuned new compiler diagnosis for raw type references. This problem
  can now be enabled independantly from unchecked type operations.
- added API CategorizedProblem to extend IProblem definitions
  with notion of problem category and marker type.
  (enabling compiler participant and better problem view)
- added API for broadcasting reconciled DOM AST to element change
  listeners. See IJavaElementDelta#F_AST_AFFECTED
   and IJavaElementDelta#getCompilationUnitAST()
  (enabling compiler participant in reconcile)
- added API to encode and decode a classpath entry
   see IJavaProject#encodeClasspathEntry(...)/decodeClasspathEntry(...).
- added API IClassFile#becomeWorkingCopy(...) that returns
   an ICompilationUnit in working copy mode on the given class file
   (enabling split refactoring)
- released new codeassist support for Javadoc (to be enabled soon in
- work in progress for null reference analysis
- work in progress for completion context enhancement
- bug fixing

             Mike Wilson                                                   
   >                                                    To 
             Sent by:                  eclipse-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx             
             eclipse-dev-bounc                                          cc 
                                       [eclipse-dev] Planning Meeting      
             10/11/2005 10:18          Notes - Oct 5, 2005                 
             Please respond to                                             
              mailing list of                                              
                the Eclipse                                                


Platform/JDT Text:
- continued to investigate showing of change history information inside
  textual editors
- Javadoc content assist: investigated push down to JDT Core
- continued discussion about content assist context
- adopted new Eclipse FS in Platform Text codebase
- collected Quick Assist/Fix push down requirements and ideas
- bug fixing
- bug inbox tracking

- bug fixing
- flexible debug platform
  - continued prototype/design work to support arbitrary debugger
    implementations that integrate into the debug platform via a set
    of adapters
  - prepared associated presentation for DSDP meeting
- code review/changes for breakpoint refactoring test suite

- refactoring:
  - worked on rename derived elements refactoring
  - worked on better support for array types in Infer Type Arguments
- Quick Fix:
  - worked on support applying quick fix to multiple problems
    - restructured quick fix infrastructure
    - restructured several quick fixes to support applying them
      multiple times
- fixed and investigated bugs with content assist in dialogs
- wrote more test cases for source actions
- participated in discussion:
  - move quick fix infrastructure to platform.text
  - code assist context & new API for javadoc in jdt.core
  - problems view categorization
  - Common Navigator

- changed to platform support for dialog size/position

- added support for the new Eclipse-JREBundle manifest header:
  - this header allows plug-ins to explicitly import/export java.*
    packages (for JRE development)
- exposed the Eclipse-LazyStart header in the plug-in editor
- Import-Package:
  - renaming an exported package now results in the Import-Package
    header of all dependent bundles to be updated.
  - Find Unused dependencies now flags unused imported packages
- work in progress:
  - participating in Java search results.
  - provide quickfixes for various plug-in manifest problems.

- ongoing work on improved mirroring support (proposal forthcoming)
- investigation of 3.1.1 downloading problems

User Assistance:
- continuing work on dynamic document serving (code for conditional
  filtering support works and will be checked in soon)

Rel. Eng.:
- Equinox builds now live:
- bug fixing
- vacation _______________________________________________
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