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Re: [eclipse-dev] RCP Apps and Modifying Plug-ins (forked from manifest discussion comment)

To clarify, I'm not promoting modifying plug-ins as a best practice. However stand-alone RCP apps are generally developed with and shipped with a specific frozen version of Eclipse code, probably a stable version that is rarely updated. The 'social rules' of how components play nicely together are different in that controlled environment than in an environment where you're writing an add-on for a moving target (i.e., whatever version of Eclipse your users happen to have), that's all I'm saying.
I was going to say more but eclipse-dev has ~1000 subscribers, 95% probably not interested in this discussion. So may I suggest moving it somewhere else, such as ?

From: Jeff McAffer
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2005 10:00 AM
Subject: RE: [eclipse-dev] Re: [platform-ui-dev] PlatformUI's plug-insconverted to manifest format

 What do you mean about being able to edit plugins for RCP apps.  Are you suggesting that people go and modify the code or manifests for other plugins?  While techincally possible this is definitely not recommended.  Its not clear what that capability has to do with RCP apps either.  If you modify some plugin you don't own, you basically void its warranty/testing and potentially impact all other consuming plugins.  Sure, if your app (RCP or otherwise) is completely closed or under your control, knock yourself out.  This is not a practice I would feel comfortable promoting or relying on.

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