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Re: [eclipse-dev] Planning Meeting Notes - Nov 12, 2003

Team/CVS Status:

- Working with a new CVS SSH committer at integrating the JCraft SSH2 
plug-in into Eclipse.
- Adapting to RCP changes.
- Creating a dedicated CVS component on which will include a 
bugzilla component, mailing lists, and home-page.
- Renaming VCM to Team on to be consistent with plug-in names.
- Started work on integrating JSR147 (WVCM) into Eclipse. Work is 
currently being done in branch 'branch_20031110_wvcm1'. This work will 
provide the platform in Team to allow integrating collaboration tooling 
into Eclipse that can work on several different team providers (e.g. 
Defect tracking, Release Eng tools...).
- Released Synchronize View API.
- Bug fixing.

Discussion Topics:

- Using features to provide finer grain upgrade paths for selected 
components of the SDK? For example, it could make sense to have CVS as a 
separate feature and allow us to release upgrades, major bug fixes, 
outside the SDK release schedule. Comments?


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