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Re: [eclipse-dev] Planning Meeting Notes - August Oct 8, 2003 (component leads: pls read before meeting)

Platform UI status

- Demoing R3.0 features at CASCON this week. Some areas that are capturing 
high interest:
  - scalability improvements (roles demo) 
  - the improvements in JDT (particularly Ctrl+T to Show Hierarchy and the 
Call Hierarchy view)
- Many university research projects are already building on Eclipse, and 
others are very interested in investigating Eclipse.
- Some requests:
  - having a GUI builder would make Eclipse an easier sell in certain 
  - publish doc in PDF format for 2.1.1 and for other releases, if not 
more frequently  (PDFs on doc page were last updated for 1.0!)

M4 status:
- many bugs fixed in the area of key bindings, and the move to the new key 
filters hook
- test suite now has regression tests for many of these (some require the 
ability to inject real OS events)
- incremental improvements to progress UI
- incremental improvements to roles/activities

RCP stream:
- wizard extension points (new / import / export) pushed back down to the 
generic workbench layer
- API improvements to WorkbenchAdvisor, needed to fix up perspective 
customization dialog
- implemented web browser example on generic workbench for CASCON demo


"Philippe P Mulet" <philippe_mulet@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: eclipse-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx
10/07/2003 04:11 PM
Please respond to eclipse-dev
        To:     eclipse-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
        Subject:        Re: [eclipse-dev] Planning Meeting Notes - August 
Oct 8, 2003 (component leads: pls read before meeting)

JDT/Core status

Discussion Topic: Changing APIs. What is really involved to get approval ?

- bug fixing
- new code formatter got integrated (UI new preferences still to do during
M5): ~50 bugs closed
    - still issues in text infrastructure when applying formatting edit to
document (OutOfMemory)
- many late tunings in the JavaModel, reacting to changes in platform
change notification semantics
    - addressed couple of deadlock situations
    - set delta detail flag for primary working copy changes (when
becoming/discarded a working copy)
    - fine grain deltas contain unit content change when no structural
change occurs (was nothing in the past)
- in 1.5, compiler will have to generate longer bytecodes (JSR202 - jsr
bytecode is discontinued)
- type hierarchies now properly refresh on editor save action

|         |           Mike              |
|         |           Wilson/Ottawa/IBM@|
|         |           IBMCA             |
|         |           Sent by:          |
|         |           eclipse-dev-admin@|
|         |        |
|         |                             |
|         |                             |
|         |           10/07/2003 09:47  |
|         |           PM                |
|         |           Please respond to |
|         |           eclipse-dev       |
|         |                             |
  |                                                      |
  |       To:       eclipse-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx                        |
  |       cc:                                                      |
  |       Subject:  [eclipse-dev] Planning Meeting Notes - August Oct 8, 
2003 (component leads: pls read before meeting)        |
  |                                                      |

 Discussion Topics

None were proposed ahead of time. Make sure you read the status below to
see if it
contains information that you would like to discuss at the meeting.


Christophe had success at Webservices Edge 2003 West:
- 50 people at talk
- 30% already knew Eclipse/SWT
- cool PDA pocket PC/Windows demo

Dirk gave a talk at "IBM PartnerCamp" in Cologne.
- Title: Contributing to Eclipse


- bug fixing
- new feature: set exception breakpoint from the console. The exception
name at
  the top of a stack trace is assigned a hyperlink, which will create an
  breakpoint when "clicked". The properties dilaog will be opened for the
  created (or already existing) exception breakpoint.
- new feature: type qualification for duplicate variable names. When
  with the same name are defined in a type hierarchy, the Java debugger 

  qualifies variables with their declaring type, in the variables view

- bug fixing
- experimenting with a tree viewer UI for specifying Ant runtime classpath
(in HEAD):
  - the tree allows nodes to be used for "classpath containers", which
expand to show
    the entries within the containers.
  - this way, one tree view can be used to specify the Ant runtime
classpath, rather
    than using two lists.
  - the same technique may be applied to the "Java classpath tab" to allow
users to
    prepend and append to the default classpath. The default classpath
would appear
    as one "container" entry, allow the user to easily insert or append
extra entries,
    without losing the ability to track the default classpath.

- GTK performance improvements
- non-rectangular windows on all platforms
- polygon add/subtract for Region

- progress continues on performance and completeness
- drops are made available regularly (typically matching integration
builds) on the
  Equinox web pages
- we are on track to meet the M4 commitments
- latest startup numbers look something like
        equinox         11531 ms
        eclipse                10892 ms
  for a non-trivial but not massive (i.e., reasonably typical) workspace.
- registry caching has been released and its savings are NOT included in
the above
- largest outstanding issue is multiversion support
- good progress on introducing incremental registry building

- bug fixes
- local type filter for outline view
- two new quick fixes:
  - remove unneeded exception
  - remove unnecessary cast
- UI for new compiler options:
  - undocumented empty block
  - unqualified access to instance field
- change method signature improvements:
  - add/remove exceptions
- test cases for introduce parameter
- worked on XML expressions:
  - performance improvements
  - enabled contribution of customized expressions
- refactoring processors:
  - investigated how to further avoid unnecessary evaluation of XML
enablement "logic"

- worked on responsive text and Java search
- investigated in search participants (UI side)

Platform/JDT Text:
- bug fixing
- content assist in find/replace dialog for regular expressions
- released first cut of generalized content assist that is not confined to
text viewers
- continued work on Javadoc spelling (not yet released)
- started reworking linked position management
- implemented and released "Open External File" based on generalized file
- added problems view and status line synchronization on Java editor post
selection events

Platform Core:
- Xerces:
  - will be recommending that people convert code to using JAXP asap
- Responsiveness:
  - a dynamic team will be created to address the issue of notification
during operations
  - for now notifications will not happen during execution of an operation
which is
    locking the whole workspace (will wait until the operation has
- User Settings:
  - had a couple of meetings to better understand the problem space and
possible solution

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