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[eclipse-dev] Minutes from 09/04 planning meeting

Meeting notes 09/04

*** Items from last week ***

      - proto plan was posted.
      - retrospective actions were posted.

*** Status ***

                -       extract interface refactoring works but the
performance needs to be improved
      -     compiler fixes put into 2.0.1 and 2.1 stream
      -     external formatter proposal being worked on
      -     investigated "TODO" support driven off code comments
      -     investigated support for generics
      -     investigated improvements to  current line indication
      -     ongoing refactoring improvements
                -       first cut on move inner to outer class
      -     format preserving AST rewriting
      -     bug fixing

      -     splitting the text support from org.eclipse.ui into a separate
                  need to decide on the go/ no go this week.
      -     bug fixing
      -     minor feature improvements
                  - resizable code assist window
                  - adaptable width of line number ruler
                  - automatic closing of comments, strings etc
      -     investigate custom drawing support for text folding.

Install/update, Help, PDE
      -     Most of last week spent on 2.0.1 work
      -     JUnit launcher not working properly. Needs to be resolved.
      -     JUnit plugin launcher not working properly. Needs to be
      -     onging work in install/update required by product teams

      -     mostly bug fixing

      -     investigation into reviving the code that supports generalized
resource mapping
      -     bug fixing

      -     bug fixes

Platform UI
      -     helped with wrapping up 2.0.1
      -     most of the team was on vacation
      -     bug fixes

      -     2.0.1 builds
      -     improved logging support added to builds
      -     need to improve mailing list/new groupds on

*** Action Items ***

Now that 2.0.1 has been posted need to get all teams switched over to using
2.1 builds
      - Bugs in the current 2.1 builds are preventing teams from switching

First 2.1 milestone is Sept 20. All teams to have their milestone plans
posted this week.

Need to keep the 2.1 plan up to date.

Need a propsal for how to deal with cross component bugs/issues

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