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[ecf-dev] JMDNS null namespace

I'm not sure if this is a bug or my own stupidity, but I am consistently getting a null namespace from IDiscoveryServiceAdapter.getServicesNamespace.

ala :

org .eclipse .core .runtime .Status[plugin=org.eclipse.ecf.identity;code=2001;message=Namespace cannot be null ;severity4;exception=org.eclipse.ecf.core.identity.IDCreateException: Namespace cannot be null;children=[]] org.eclipse.ecf.core.identity.IDCreateException: Namespace cannot be null at org.eclipse.ecf.core.identity.IDFactory.logAndThrow( 175)
	at org.eclipse.ecf.core.identity.IDFactory.createID(
at org .eclipse .ecf .discovery .identity.ServiceIDFactory.createServiceID( at org .eclipse .ecf .provider .jmdns .container .JMDNSDiscoveryContainer.createServiceID( 454) at org .eclipse .ecf .provider .jmdns .container .JMDNSDiscoveryContainer .createServiceTypeID( at org .eclipse .ecf .provider .jmdns .container .JMDNSDiscoveryContainer.serviceTypeAdded( 283)
	at javax.jmdns.impl.JmDNSImpl.registerServiceType(
	at javax.jmdns.impl.JmDNSImpl.handleResponse(

I've acquired the adapter via the IDiscoverService (copied the logic from DiscoveryViewer) and from my own instance of the the container (ContainerFactory.getDefault().createContainer("ecf.discovery.jmdns")).

It's really hard to register a service without the namespace. Can anyone provide me a clue or should I be submitting a bug report?

I'm using Eclipse 3.3.2, ECF 2.0.0.v20080616-1157 on Mac 10.5.3.

p.s. I also imported the discovery.test project and ran the tests against "ecf.discovery.jmdns", and get failures across the board : java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: invalid property value: 2147483647
	at javax.jmdns.impl.ServiceInfoImpl.<init>(
	at javax.jmdns.ServiceInfo.create(
at org .eclipse .ecf .provider .jmdns .container .JMDNSDiscoveryContainer .createServiceInfoFromIServiceInfo( at org .eclipse .ecf .provider .jmdns .container .JMDNSDiscoveryContainer .unregisterService( at org .eclipse.ecf.tests.discovery.DiscoveryTest.tearDown( 157)

  Anthony M. Harrison, PhD

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