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[dtp-pmc] To clear up some confusion regarding the committer election for Enrico...

Hi all...

To clear up some confusion regarding the committer election for Enrico Schenk (Ingres), I wanted to provide a more specific description of his and Ingres qualifications as committers for not only the Enablement sub-project to help with Ingres support, but the Committer and SQL Dev Tools sub-projects.

The Eclipse New Committer process is pretty well defined...
Requirements for electing a committer (based on the Eclipse new-committer process) come down to defining trust, being employment neutral, and having a public election. Ingres has earned our trust as a staunch supporter of DTP and Enrico has been involved in the community as a contributor and a voice on the newsgroups and at conferences. Ingres has signed the contributor agreement, so they've met the employment neutral requirement. And we're having a public election.
In addition, the nomination has the following criteria:
"A committer nomination should explain the candidate's contributions to the project and thus why they should be elected as a Committer. Cite the bugs they have fixed via patches; cite the newsgroup postings they have answered; cite the dev list design discussions to which they have contributed; etc. In all cases, provide urls to source material: the bugs, posts, emails, wiki pages, etc."
These are a list of the bugs he's been involved with to some degree or another.
* bug 224338 ( )
* bug 224853 ( )
* bug 232925 ( )
* bug 237640 ( )
* bug 220464 ( )
* bug 224618 ( )
Enrico has also been active on the eclipse.dtp newsgroup, even going so far to answer questions for people on his own:
* "Trouble with override loader" led to one of the bugs above (
* Discouraged Access Warnings (
* Filtering and Special Characters (
* Type hierarchy of JDBCUniqueConstraint (
* Re: Formatting SQL (responding to a question from another newsgroup poster) (
* Re: can't create a new driver definition for derby.jar (responding to a question from another newsgroup poster) (

In addition, Ingres has been a strong supporter for DTP. At EclipseCon 2006, Ingres did a talk on how they used DTP to support Ingres and how enthusiastic they were about the DTP and Eclipse communities. At EclipseCon 2007, Ingres had a Gold Sponsorship and continued to show strong support for DTP.

So "merit" is more than just providing patches. "Merit" means contributing to the community. Ingres and Enrico have done that in spades.

As I said before, I think we need to seriously consider this an opportunity to bring in another group of people who a) get open source, b) have been our staunch supporters, and c) are volunteering to help with other aspects of DTP beyond Enablement.

And, as I said before, if  any of you feel strongly that Enrico should not be considered for one or more of the non-Enablement sub-projects of DTP,  please vote as your conscience dictates. Each vote is a personal thing, and I certainly don't begrudge anyone speaking their mind and sharing their opinions. This is anything but a dictatorship!


Brian Fitzpatrick
Eclipse Data Tools Platform PMC Chair
Eclipse Data Tools Platform Connectivity Team Lead
Staff Software Engineer, Sybase, Inc.

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