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[che-dev] Moving eclipse/che/tests to new repository

Hello everyone,

we are thinking about moving our Che tests to a new repository under the eclipse-che. We wanted to add publishing of the e2e typescript tests as an npm package and during the PR review, this conversation sparked. There is che-server living in the eclipse/che repo and our tests are neither depending on that logic nor testing just the che-server code.
Also, releasing an npm image using docker in maven doesn't seem like the best solution either. Having our own repo, we can handle the release of the npm package proper way.

In those regards, the question for the productization team appears - would it be possible to release package and image from our new repo as a part of the proper Che release? Would you be able to help us with that?

We've considered all the work that would be needed for the movement (items in bold have higher priority):
  • Create a bugzilla ticket to create a new repo
  • Move the code
  • Setup CI/CD
    • secrets (docker/npm)
    • nightly builds (image)
    • release (productization team?)
      • image
      • npm package
      • git branching/tagging
    • Change current jobs (mainly remove mounting of sources)
      • pr check Che - relatively easy
      • pr check che-theia (extensive logic)
      • pr check che-dashboard
      • ...
    • Create PR check (happy path) in che-tests repo
    • Adapt CRW jobs (should be relatively easy)
      • Mainly the `CodereadyWorkspaces/e2e/basic/typescript-tests`
Please feel free to comment if you have any ideas or concerns about the switch. You can reply to the mail or comment directly in the issue: CRW-1732

Have a great day!

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