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Re: [che-dev] Preferences update synchronization issue



I fixed the pull request according to the latest comments. Please review.



Tal Sapan | T: +972 9 7779580 |



From: che-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:che-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Evgenii Voevodin
Sent: יום ב 31 אוגוסט 2015 16:01
To: che developer discussions
Subject: Re: [che-dev] Preferences update synchronization issue



On Mon, Aug 31, 2015 at 3:09 PM, Sapan, Tal <tal.sapan@xxxxxxx> wrote:



I noticed there is a synchronization issue in the UserProfileService when updating and deleting preferences: the service itself performs the merge between the sent preferences (to either update or delete them) and the existing preferences by calling getPreferences and then setPreferences on the dao.

This is not synchronized, so if 2 requests arrive to one of these methods at the same time for the same user, the first request's changes could be overridden by the second request (even if a different attribute is updated in the preferences).

I made a pull request to fix this issue:

I made sure to only synchronize according to the user name whose preferences are updated (since this is the parameter sent to the dao).

Please review.


By the way, the same issue seems to happen for profile updates as well according to the code. I did not fix it since we don't have a scenario in which we update the profile (at least currently).


Best regards,

Tal Sapan | T: +972 9 7779580 |



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