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[che-dev] ProjectService GET vs PUT properties


I am noticing an inconsistency between the request/response JSON fields of the project service APIs.

The list of mix-in types is returned by the metadata service GET /project/{ws}/{path} in a property named "mixins". However, the list of mix-in types that is received by the update service PUT /project/{ws}/{path} is expected to be in a property named "mixinTypes". The response of the project update service is again the same as the metadata service. This leads to some confusion and ad-hoc workarounds in some client code we are trying to write.

Shouldn't the JSONs that are send back and forth be as similar as possible?

thank you
Tareq Sharafy
Cloud Development Experience | SAP Labs Israel | 15 Hatidhar st, Raanana 43665, Israel
T +972-(0)7-4732-1647 | F +972-(0)9-777-5618

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