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Re: [buckminster-dev] fetcher questions

Hi Henrik,

I had to check before answering you : )
So it is regular expressions as you guessed but with a little bit of tweaking so it's much easier to write.
Here is the relevant piece of code :
p = p.replace(SEP, "/");
p = p.replace(".", "\\.");
p = p.replace("*", ".*");
p = p.replace("?", ".?");

If a separator is found / or \ depending on the platform, it is converted to /
If a dot is found it is converted to the dot character in the regular _expression_ : \\.
* => .*
? => .?

So it's much closer to a bash regular _expression_.


On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 2:49 PM, Henrik Lindberg <henrik.lindberg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Guillaume Chatelet wrote:
You are absolutely right Henrik.

   * include=*.cpp

Hi, finally got around to updating the actor reference. On the wikipage that describes the fetcher, it says that 'include' uses regular expressions, but I wonder if that is really true - in that case, the _expression_ above would have to be written something like .*\.cpp.

So, is it a simpler _expression_ - i.e. just using '*' as a wildcard?

- henrik
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