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[buckminster-dev] Re: Problems getting started with Headless Buckminster

Some more information.

Looking through the feature.xml files provided for buckminster headless jdt feature, it seems to be picking up 3.2.1 versions of the various JDT plugins.

An example of the version strings is as follows:


Notice that

[jfallows@www ws]$ buckminster listsite

includes the following line:

org.eclipse.buckminster.headless.jdt.feature_1.0.0.v20061005 (Buckminster - Headless JDT support) Plug-in "org.eclipse.jdt.debug" version "3.2.1.r321_v20060731" referenced by this feature is missing.

...even though:

[jfallows@www ws]$ ls -ld ../buckminster/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.debug_*
drwxrwxr-x 3 jfallows jfallows 4096 Nov 10 16:06 ../buckminster/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.debug_3.2.1.r321_v20060731

I noticed that the 3.2.0 version of this plugins on has version string of "3.2.0.v20060609m-F7snq1fxia-Z4XP".

Is there possibly some issue with the version syntax of 3.2.1.rNNN_vDATE vs. 3.2.0.vDATE ?

Any insights you might have would be greatly appreciated as we are currently blocked on this issue.

Kind Regards,
John Fallows.

John R. Fallows wrote:
Thomas Hallgren wrote:
Hi John,
I'm not sure what the problem is but it seems that for some reason the buckminster svn plugin fails to initialize. When running headless you might get a configuration log file in the <buckminster installation>/configuration directory. It will have a name consisting of only digits and the extension ".log". Do you have such a file?
No, there is no log file.

$ ls -l buckminster/configuration

-rw-rw-rw- 1 jfallows jfallows  379 Oct  5 21:14 config.ini
drwxrwxr-x 3 jfallows jfallows 4096 Nov 10 15:57 org.eclipse.core.runtime
drwxrwxr-x 5 jfallows jfallows 4096 Nov 10 16:31 org.eclipse.osgi
drwxrwxr-x 3 jfallows jfallows 4096 Nov 10 16:07 org.eclipse.update


Thomas Hallgren

John R. Fallows wrote:
Hi guys,

Our company is in the process of improving our continuous integration builds for Eclipse features and plug-ins. So, we're taking a look at Buckminster to see if it can handle our use case.

Although the promise of Buckminster seems to be precisely what we are looking for (consistent builds for developers in their Eclipse IDE versus continuous unattended headless builds) we are having a few problems getting started.

Hopefully these problems are just pilot error and you will be able to help us overcome them. :)

We have followed the instructions for "Buckminster Product Configuration" [wiki-1] to initialize the headless product and "Sample headless configuration (Buckminster)" [wiki-2], including the optional headless.pde.feature and headless.svn.feature.

We have also created a custom .cquery and .rmap that has been verified to work correctly using Buckminster from Eclipse IDE (i.e. not headless).

The .rmap references a Subversion repository using "svn" provider reader type. Once again, this has been verified from Buckminster in Eclipse IDE to correctly checkout sources from the referenced SVN repository.

Now, executing the following headless command to checkout the sources:

  $buckminster --log -W `pwd` getcfg [cquery-url]

produces [trace-1] below, which indicates that the "svn" provider reader is not being registered.

Also, checking the status of the buckminster local installation via:

  $ buckminster listsite

seems to indicate that not all plug-ins are being resolved properly, as shown in [trace-2] below.

Yet, the only plug-ins present in our Buckminster installation are those provided by the Buckminster headless product as described in [wiki-1] and those plug-ins installed following the instructions for [wiki-2], plus the optional Buckminster headless.pde.feature and headless.svn.feature.

Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards,
John Fallows

Using workspace at file:/home/jfallows/ws/...
Running query...
|......................................................................| 0.0% |-.....................................................................| 0.0% |*****************.....................................................| 25.0% |******************....................................................| 26.3%
Found searchPath brane for component
Provider eclipse.platform(plugin/ Unable to manage requests without category Provider eclipse.platform(feature/ Unable to manage requests without category
Error while matching provider svn://svn/txe/trunk/
org.eclipse.buckminster.core.reader.MissingReaderTypeException: No reader type with id svn has been registered with extension-point org.eclipse.buckminster.core.readerTypes at org.eclipse.buckminster.core.CorePlugin.getReaderType( at org.eclipse.buckminster.core.rmap.SearchPath.match( at org.eclipse.buckminster.core.rmap.SearchPath.getProvider( at org.eclipse.buckminster.core.rmap.ResourceMap.getCSpecPacking( at org.eclipse.buckminster.core.query.NodeQuery.getCSpecPacking( at
Provider svn(svn://svn/txe/trunk/ No match found for component ECLIPSE LOG EVENT: id='org.eclipse.buckminster.core', message='No suitable provider for component was found in searchPath brane'. See '/home/jfallows/ws/.metadata/.log' for more details |*******************...................................................| 27.5% |***********************************...................................| 50.0% |***********************************...................................| 50.0%
=== Problem running 'getcfg'...
Errors during resolve
[0.1]Provider eclipse.platform(plugin/ Unable to manage requests without category [0.2]Provider eclipse.platform(feature/ Unable to manage requests without category [0.3]Provider svn(svn://svn/txe/trunk/ No match found for component ECLIPSE LOG EVENT: id='org.eclipse.core.filesystem', message='Could not load library: This library provides platform-specific optimizations for certain file system operations. This library is not present on all platforms, so this may not be an error. The resources plug-in will safely fall back to using functionality.'. See '/home/jfallows/ws/.metadata/.log' for more details
(exit value = 126)
=== END: Fri Nov 10 17:31:28 PST 2006 (elapsed: ~0 seconds) ===

Searching local site...
org.eclipse.buckminster.ant.feature_1.0.0.v20061005 (Buckminster - Ant support) org.eclipse.buckminster.cvs.feature_1.0.0.v20061005 (Buckminster - CVS support)
  org.eclipse.buckminster.feature_1.0.0.v20061005 (Buckminster)
org.eclipse.buckminster.headless.cvs.feature_1.0.0.v20061005 (Buckminster - Headless CVS support) org.eclipse.buckminster.headless.feature_1.0.0.v20061005 (Buckminster Headless) org.eclipse.buckminster.headless.jdt.feature_1.0.0.v20061005 (Buckminster - Headless JDT support) Plug-in "org.eclipse.jdt.debug" version "3.2.1.r321_v20060731" referenced by this feature is missing. Plug-in "org.junit4" version "" referenced by this feature is missing. org.eclipse.buckminster.headless.pde.feature_1.0.0.v20061006 (Buckminster - Headless PDE support) Plug-in "" version "3.2.1.r321_v20060823" referenced by this feature is missing. Included feature "Buckminster - Headless JDT support" version "1.0.0.v20061005" contains problems. org.eclipse.buckminster.headless.platform.feature_1.0.0.v20060921 (Headless Platform) Plug-in "org.eclipse.ant.core" version "0.0.0" referenced by this feature is missing. Plug-in "org.eclipse.core.resources" version "0.0.0" referenced by this feature is missing. Plug-in "org.eclipse.core.runtime" version "0.0.0" referenced by this feature is missing. Plug-in "org.eclipse.core.variables" version "0.0.0" referenced by this feature is missing. Plug-in "org.eclipse.update.core" version "0.0.0" referenced by this feature is missing. Plug-in "org.eclipse.core.expressions" version "0.0.0" referenced by this feature is missing. Plug-in "org.eclipse.core.runtime.compatibility" version "0.0.0" referenced by this feature is missing. Plug-in "org.eclipse.osgi" version "0.0.0" referenced by this feature is missing. Plug-in "org.eclipse.update.configurator" version "0.0.0" referenced by this feature is missing. Plug-in "org.eclipse.core.resources.compatibility" version "0.0.0" referenced by this feature is missing. Plug-in "org.eclipse.core.filesystem" version "0.0.0" referenced by this feature is missing. Plug-in "org.eclipse.equinox.common" version "0.0.0" referenced by this feature is missing. Plug-in "" version "0.0.0" referenced by this feature is missing. Plug-in "org.eclipse.equinox.preferences" version "0.0.0" referenced by this feature is missing. Plug-in "org.eclipse.equinox.registry" version "0.0.0" referenced by this feature is missing. Plug-in "org.eclipse.core.contenttype" version "0.0.0" referenced by this feature is missing. Plug-in "org.apache.ant" version "0.0.0" referenced by this feature is missing. Plug-in "org.eclipse.core.runtime.compatibility.registry" version "0.0.0" referenced by this feature is missing. Plug-in "" version "0.0.0" referenced by this feature is missing. Plug-in "org.eclipse.debug.core" version "0.0.0" referenced by this feature is missing. Plug-in "" version "0.0.0" referenced by this feature is missing. Plug-in "org.eclipse.core.filebuffers" version "0.0.0" referenced by this feature is missing. Plug-in "" version "0.0.0" referenced by this feature is missing. Plug-in "org.eclipse.osgi.util" version "0.0.0" referenced by this feature is missing. Plug-in "org.eclipse.core.commands" version "0.0.0" referenced by this feature is missing. Plug-in "org.eclipse.core.runtime.compatibility.auth" version "0.0.0" referenced by this feature is missing. org.eclipse.buckminster.headless.svn.feature_1.0.0.v20061005 (Buckminster - Headless SVN support) org.eclipse.buckminster.jdt.feature_1.0.0.v20061005 (Buckminster - JDT support) org.eclipse.buckminster.maven.feature_1.0.0.v20061005 (Buckminster - Maven support) org.eclipse.buckminster.pde.feature_1.0.0.v20061006 (Buckminster - PDE support)
  org.eclipse.buckminster.product_1.0.0.v20061005 (Buckminster Product)
Included feature "Headless Platform" version "1.0.0.v20060921" contains problems. org.eclipse.buckminster.svn.feature_1.0.0.v20061005 (Buckminster - Subversion support)

[wiki-1] [wiki-2]

Author:  Pro JSF and Ajax: Building Rich Internet Components

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