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[bpel-dev] Validation hooks dilema

I am gonna send this to the WST group as well, but I figured I'll ask it here first ...

I am trying to add the validation hooks into Eclipse for BPEL. There are 2 choices:

1) Adding a builder that calls the validator, then creates markers from the generated errors.
2) Adding a validator using the wst extension points.

I've done both methods, and this is what irks me about them:

1) If just a builder, I have full control over how I map the errors generated from the validator onto markers. I can adapt a problem instance into a marker and do the appropriate mappings myself (line no, offsets, text, etc). This works well pretty well. The only issue is that there is no way to associate the builder automagically to the project from the eclipse UI. You can put the builder in the project during project creation, but there is no other that I can find.

2) If use the WST extension point for the validators (much the same way HTML, XML, WSDL, etc) validators are done, then there is a UI and a "Validate" action that can be chosen from the popup menu when you are editing a resource of the right type (*.bpel). However, the validation extension point essentially captures the errors my adding instances of IMessage to IReporter. The problem is that under the covers, when IMessage is added the IReporter, the markers are created for the resource. And I don't seem to have a way of mapping (adapting) IMessage to IMarker for example. I found out that line numbers are present OK, but offsets are somehow not correctly placed in the markers from IMessage (they markers don't hilite the error if you will). Not to mention any other "attributes" that I might want to store in the markers (such as model addresses for example).

Any input ?

Michal Chmielewski, CMTS, Oracle Corp, W:650-506-5952 / M:408-209-9321 "Manuals ?! What manuals ? Son, it's Unix, you just gotta know."

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