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[birt-dev] CheckIn: fix 2.0 bugs 124089 and 124221

Bugzilla Bug 124089 -- Report file's XML shows 1.0 version instead of 2.0.

Bugzilla Bug 124221 -- BIRT engine's openReportDesign() should support multi-thread application


Modified version in ModuleWriter for 124089.

Enhancements in StructureState to support multi-thread applications.


1. Modified BIRT version number in ModuleWriter.

2. Revised StructureState so that it can support multi-thread applications.

3. Updated test cases. Only 2 source files in this checkin. Others are updated test cases.



-        Tests Description  :


-        - Files Edited:



"/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/"

- Files Added:


- Notes to Build Team:

- Notes to Developers:

- Notes to QA: 


- Notes to Documentation: 



Rick Lu


Actuate Shanghai Center.

Email: rlu@xxxxxxxxxxx

Phone: 86 21 58826388

Fax: 86 21 58826002


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