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Re: [aspectj-users] Ant Incremental Compilation - 1.1b4

The AspectJ Ant task handles incremental compilation as described in
the documentation included with the release, at

   {aspectJ install dir}/doc/ant-tasks.html
   {aspectJ install dir}/doc/ant-ajc-task.html

It does not work like the javac task's "incremental" behavior 
(which only consists in excluding files up-to-date 
wrt corresponding .class files).  That behavior would be
incorrect for the AspectJ compiler because it would exclude
files the compiler should be recompiling by virtue of aspects
that affect the files.  (That's an unavoidable side-effect
of using the compiler adapter, also in the 1.1b4 release.)

Like the command-line compiler, the AspectJ Ant task recompiles 
and halts based either on standard input or based on a tag file.
The running process maintains state in-memory to facilitate 
efficient recompilation.  To continue with the Ant build, you 
could use the Ant parallel task, but the Ant process would 
still continue as long as the compile was running.  (And that's 
how you could integrate, say, with a GUI for controlling
recompilation: by running the GUI in another thread, and having
it control the file or directly adapt the controller in Main.)


John Shields wrote:
> Is there a way to have incremental compilation from an Ant script with AspectJ
> 1.1beta4?
> My initial impression is that the incremental compilation only works when the
> compiler is left running and the source files are changed "under" it. Is this
> correct? Is there any way to have the same behavior as the standard "javac"
> taskdef?
> Thanks!
> - John
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