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[aspectj-dev] @Aspect("perthis(this(Person))")


when I try to translate an existing aspect into the annotation-based
style (according the developers notebook) my example doesn't work any more:

   public class ArbeitszeitAspekt {
       // body: see at the end

Here the compiler says "can't do instanceof matching on patterns with
wildcards". When I try


I get no compiler message but it does not work (even if the aspect is
also in the same package "verwaltung") - I have not the expected output
(dead pointcut).


This works (but only as singleton and not an aspect for each Person
object), so the rest of my aspect seems to be ok. Is this a bug (which I
should report) or do I use the wrong syntax for the perthis statement?

kind regards

==== here some additional info ====>

Mmy original aspect where I want to stop the time of the
Person.arbeite() execution:

public aspect ArbeitszeitAspektOld perthis(this(verwaltung.Person)) {
    long start;
    long end;
    void around(Person x) :
            execution(public void Person.arbeite()) && this(x) {
        start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        end = System.currentTimeMillis();
        System.out.println("*** Arbeitszeit " + x + ": "
                + new Date(start)
                + " - " + new Date(end));

And here the body of the aspect (just to complete the example)

public class ArbeitszeitAspekt {
    long start;
    long end;
    @Around("execution(public void verwaltung.Person.arbeite()) && this(x)")
    public void watchWorkingHours(ProceedingJoinPoint thisJoinPoint,
            Person x) {
        start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        thisJoinPoint.proceed(new Object[] {x});
        end = System.currentTimeMillis();
        System.out.println("*** ARBEITSZEIT " + x + ": "
                + new Date(start) + " - "
                + new Date(end));

Oliver Böhm

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