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Re: [ajdt-dev] Fwd: Shouldn't the EPL be the reigning license by now?

Good question.  I can speak somewhat to the AspectJ side, but Adrian, et al are the final authorities:  The AspectJ 1.5.0 M3/a release probably should have been dual-licensed, and the final AspectJ 1.5.0 certainly will be. 
As background, here's the transition plan as of last year, and some FAQ's:
There seem to be two action items: 
(1) all new development is under the EPL. 
AFAIK, we are putting new contributions under the EPL (we've redone a number of check-in's).
(2) new releases dual-licensed when ...
AspectJ M2 was last december (pre-requirement), but M3/a was just released.  These milestone releases might technically not qualify as "releases" since they're incomplete (what used to be called alpha, beta, etc.), but we probably should update the licensing docs for milestones.  Also, I haven't noticed an email from the Eclipse foundation saying that we've reached the transition point, but I could have missed something.
------------Original Message------------
From: Wendell Beckwith <wbeckwith@xxxxxxxxx>
To: ajdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Tue, Aug-30-2005 8:20 AM
Subject: [ajdt-dev] Fwd: Shouldn't the EPL be the reigning license by now?
I originally sent the following to the eclipse-dev list, but forgot that it's now moderated and I'm still waiting for a moderator to forward or reject it.  Nonetheless, I'm curious why AJDT and AspectJ are not distributed with the EPL?

Wendell Beckwith

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Wendell Beckwith <wbeckwith@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Aug 29, 2005 10:13 PM
Subject: Shouldn't the EPL be the reigning license by now?
To: eclipse-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx

I ask because I was under the impression due to the CPL to EPL transition doc that all new dev streams pass 12/31/2004 were to be licensed under the EPL, however it has come to my company's legal department's attention that that isn't the case.  AspectJ, AJDT and possibly others are still shipping and displaying the CPL.  So is this an oversight which should be fixed asap or were there exceptions made to the transition plan that I have missed?

Wendell Beckwith

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