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Re: [ajdt-dev] Decompilation results ?? Java???

ajc produces valid .class files that can be read by java (the JVM) 1.1+, javac, jikes,
and the Eclipse Java compiler.
However, many decompilers, including jad, are not correct in the same way, and
they fail to produce .java files that can be compiled with javac.
That said, I think we also want to say our implementation of AspectJ might use
constructs in bytecode that are correct, but cannot be rendered in Java, so that
even if a perfect decompiler existed, it might not be able to render to pure Java
source code.  That is, no user should rely on the process of decompiling
our Java bytecode to produce Java source code, even if it happens to work now
for given programs.  (We might later sign up for that, but we haven't yet.)
The more important question is, what's your concern?  Are you trying to understand
how AspectJ works?  Are you looking for a way to preserve your investment if
you later decide to back out of using AspectJ?
Thanks -
------------Original Message------------
From: "Nadia Guerroumi" <n_guerro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: ajdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Tue, Sep-28-2004 10:20 AM
Subject: [ajdt-dev] Decompilation results ?? Java???
My question is the following:
 After doing the compilation with ajc and obtaining the class files. If I decompile these class files  with JAD (java decompiler), am I going to have
 java programs?? In the sense can I use a standard java compiler (JAVAC) against the results of JAD. I think that for the aspects no but what about the other classes??
Just to see if the weaving gives java code??

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