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Re: [xtext-dev] Xtext Website

Looks perfect to me.

I am trying to deliver the proof that it works in combination with GMF during the next days...


Am 11.06.2009 um 20:37 schrieb Heiko Behrens:

Hey Guys,

I have commited a first version of the new Xtext-Website ( ). Its landing page is basically the migration of a flyer we have produced recently. It is still hard to find a suitable feature list and the screencast is not ready, yet. Your input is welcome (see below). For this first working version these were my priorities:

a) it's up and running
b) link downloadable distro
c) no wrong information or broken links
d) acceptable content

Could you please double-check if we could go with this version? I would then promoted the website via different channels (e.g. redirect, put links from the wiki, etc.). I will wait with this till Friday night. As always, your feedback is welcome.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Heiko Behrens <heiko.behrens@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: 15. Mai 2009 11:20:23 MESZ
To: Xtext dev list <xtext-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [xtext-dev] Xtext Website

Thank you for your feedback again.

I will try to include your ideas and recommendations where possible. So far, we will go with something similar to nova3. Nevertheless, I need some help, still.

One key aspect of every landing page presented was the feature list. What does make Xtext a great framework/tool? What are the real killers when working with it? I would be glad if each of you could name his favorite Xtext topics so I could make such a list out of it.

Examples of such items could be:
* simple grammar language
* inferred meta model/binding of an existing mm
* code completion
* customizable outline view
* true EMF resource
* configurable with google guice
* ready-to-use code generation
* strong community (oAW)

Feel free to write more than some key words. I will distill these items and combine your ideas to come up with a reasonable short list in the end.

Thank you in advance,

On 14.05.2009, at 15:20, Heiko Behrens wrote:

Hey Guys,

I have published three design drafts at

Where the 2.0-Approach (20.html) tries to establish an "individual look" compared to the other Eclipse citizens the other designs rely on the recent Eclipse theme "Nova". Content-wise all three drafts are comparable apart from the fact that nova3 brings a short introduction screencast into play.

Please feel free to comment on these.


On 12.05.2009, at 10:50, Heiko Behrens wrote:

Hey Folks,

within the next weeks we want to overhaul the users' first impression of Xtext. This does not only affect the UI (e.g. Wizards) or a ready-to-use distro but public material such as documentation and the website as well. So far, only the wiki page at informs the first-time user about Xtext's capabilities. To improve this situation I want to establish a face-lifted web appearance of Xtext that resides at . If have already discussed this topic with some of you and clarified some technical issues with the webmasters of We will be able to provide a custom design, present off-site links to the oAW Distribution and do other fancy (php- based) stuff as well if we want to.

If have collected a few items that outline this effort and I would highly appreciate feedback.

First step: A Landing page
	• Appealing Look
	• Short description about Xtext in general
	• (Screenshot / Diagram ?)
	• Easy to find download link
	• Documentation
	• Professional Support (non annoying)
	• Key Features
	• Note for irritated Xtext oAW users
	• Status (latest commit, twitter, blog headlines) to appear fresh

Second, a restructured web page the conforms to these ideas

	• Landing Page (see above)
	• Documentation
		• online version of documentation
		• tutorials (n minute)
		• screencasts
		• DSL examples
		• other resources (such as articles or noteworthy blog posts)
	• Testimonials or "Users that are impressed by Xtext"
	• Support
		• Newsgroup
		• Bugzilla
		• Off-Link to "Professional Support"
	• Contribute / Developer
		• Team (People behind the scenes, short bio?)
		• Wiki
		• JavaDoc, JUnit-Reports
		• Sources
		• Metrics

Please feel free to comment this list. In the next days I will send around some design documents to feed the discussion.

@itemis kiel: Tomorrow morning I will be at the office. How about a short discussion based on the current designs?
Heiko Behrens
Software Architect

phone	: +49 (0) 431 / 5606-338
mobile	: +49 (0) 151/108 604 78
fax		: +49 (0) 431 / 5606-339

mail: heiko.behrens@xxxxxxxxx

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24118 Kiel

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Vorstand: Wolfgang Neuhaus, Jens Wagener, Dr. Georg Pietrek
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Rechtlicher Hinweis:
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Dortmund HRB 20621
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Lünen
Vorstand: Wolfgang Neuhaus, Jens Wagener, Dr. Georg Pietrek
Aufsichtsrat: Prof. Dr. Burkhard Igel (Vorsitzender), Stephan Grollmann, Michael Neuhaus

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