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[wtp-dev] Eclipse Wild Web Developer got debug support over DAP, and JSDT.

Hi all,

I'd like to share with you -who probably have interest in plain Web (non-Java EE) development- that Eclipse Wild Web Developer recently reached major milestones:
* Update to newer Language Server which brings better quality for _javascript_ and TypeScript development
* Addition of a debugger that uses (embeds) the VSCode Node Debugger and connects with it using the Debug Adapter Protocol. The Debug Adapter Protocol already has decent support in LSP4E.
The quality is now good enough for most real-world use-cases. Some users report some satisfaction, package has a good popularity on marketplace with constantly growing #installs for the last 6 month now reaching ~2000 monthly install, some interesting bugs are reported. All the community indicators are green.

For JS at least, this stack is much cheaper to maintain and brings a higher quality than current (and foreseeable future) JSDT. Separating IDE and Language Server/Debug Adapter/TextMate grammars... also allows to put the work in places that guarantee a bigger opportunity for reuse.
It just seems like 1 hour of time spent on improving Wild Web Developer and its stack is now more productive than a week of work on JSDT.

So, as stakeholder of this domain, unless you plan to keep relying on WebTools for a reason or another, what would be interesting would be that you start adopting Eclipse Wild Web Developer, use it, and contribute bug reports and patches to it to ensure the quality matches the community expectation.

On a political part (I'm not very good at it, some maybe my bosses will hate me for being so direct ;), on behalf of Red Hat developers involved in those parts of WebTools, we'd like to clarify that we will probably soon but progressively stop providing any form of support for JSDT (and maybe HTML, CSS and JSON from WebTools) and will move our own portfolio and our community effort only to Wild Web Developer when it comes to Web development. We'll also try to move the "Eclipse IDE for _javascript_ and Web developers" package (~10000 monthly downloads) to Wild Web Developer instead of JSDT very soon, for 2019-03.

Cheers, and let's keep in touch on Eclipse Wild Web Developer issue tracker ;)
Mickael Istria
Eclipse IDE developer, for Red Hat Developers

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