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Re: [wtp-dev] XML Language Server based on WTP?

Hi Mickael,

What is the general user-story here? 

Provide an advanced XML Language Server.

> Do you want to work on creating XML edition-assist in other IDEs than Eclipse IDE?

I'm thinking (but I don't know if I will have time) to move my Angular Eclipse (which uses already  tm4e) to lsp4e by using

Eclipse BlueSky provide HTML, JSON supports but not XML

WTP have done great stuff, but when tm4e/lsp4e/Generic Editor will provide the same features than classic editor (mathing bracket, etc) I think it should be better to move to BlueSky.

 If yes, whic.h ones?


Also, there's already this LS: 

Yes I have seen it.

> Have you tried it? 


> What would be the reason for working on a different LS based on WTP? manages the "easy" part of XML: only the validation. To support other features like completion, hover, etc, we need an AST and WTP provides that with IDOMDocument which can support even incremental parsing.

It was just an idea.

Regard's Angelo

2018-03-14 13:52 GMT+01:00 Mickael Istria <mistria@xxxxxxxxxx>:
Hi Angelo,

What is the general user-story here? Do you want to work on creating XML edition-assist in other IDEs than Eclipse IDE? If yes, which ones?
Also, there's already this LS: . Have you tried it? What would be the reason for working on a different LS based on WTP?

Thanks in advance,

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