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Re: [wtp-dev] help needed for PsychoPath XPath2 development

On Tue, Mar 6, 2018 at 7:09 PM, Jesper Steen Møller <jesper@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
As I'm sure you can see, the R3_2_maintenance hasn't been touched since somebody (you, I suppose?) built org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.processor_1.2.0.jar.

Yes I can see that. Thanks.

If you are still targeting Java 1.4.2, I can't help you at all, since I have no environment in which to run it. :-(

I work on behalf of Xerces. Xerces is still of the view, that they need to support min Java 1.4.x for its XSD 1.1 processor. Therefore, to develop the PsychoPath XPath2 processor for Xerces, we can only use the branch  R3_2_maintenance at the moment.

I certainly have due considerations, to your constraints regarding dev environment at your side.

Mukul Gandhi

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