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[wtp-dev] [aeri] Weekly Problem Digest for JavaScript Development Tools ≥ 4.6.0.i20160501

New problems reported last week

  Summary Reporters Status Severity Bug
1. NullPointerException in JavaParseTreeBuilder.getFieldName 2 UNCONFIRMED normal -
2. BackingStoreException below SetContainerOperation.execute (thrown in ProjectPreferences.load) 1 UNCONFIRMED normal -
3. JsonProtocolParseException in DynamicParserImpl$AutoAlgebraicCasesDataImpl.parseObjectSubtype 1 UNCONFIRMED normal -
4. NullPointerException in MatchLocator.locateMatches 1 UNCONFIRMED normal -
5. NullPointerException in VariableDeclarationFix$VariableDeclarationFinder.visit 1 UNCONFIRMED normal -
6. ResourceException below ProblemsLabelDecorator.fireProblemsChanged (thrown in Resource.checkLocal) 1 UNCONFIRMED normal -
7. ResourceException below SetContainerOperation.execute (thrown in 1 UNCONFIRMED normal -
8. StackOverflowError below Assignment$Operator.toOperator (thrown in HashMap.hash) 1 UNCONFIRMED normal -
9. StackOverflowError in ASTNode.setStructuralProperty 1 UNCONFIRMED normal -
10. StackOverflowError in NodeEventHandler.preValueChangeEvent 1 UNCONFIRMED normal -

Active problems last month

  Summary Reporters Status Severity Bug
1. ClassCastException in PackageExplorerContentProvider.handleAffectedChildren 500+ NEW normal 467140
2. EOFException below JavaModelManager$VariablesAndContainersLoadHelper.loadInt (thrown in DataInputStream.readInt) 457 UNCONFIRMED normal -
3. ClassCastException in Parser.consumeEnterVariable 399 UNCONFIRMED normal -
4. ResourceException below SetContainerOperation.execute (thrown in Project.checkAccessible) 376 UNCONFIRMED normal -
5. IllegalStateException in ASTParser.internalCreateAST 363 UNCONFIRMED normal -
6. IllegalStateException in ASTParser.createAST 352 UNCONFIRMED normal -
7. BadLocationException below JavaAutoIndentStrategy.smartPaste (thrown in 342 UNCONFIRMED normal -
8. ConcurrentModificationException below DeltaProcessor.resourceChanged (thrown in HashMap$HashIterator.nextNode) 294 UNCONFIRMED normal -
9. ClassCastException in SpreadElement.clone0 286 UNCONFIRMED normal -
10. NullPointerException in SourceTypeBinding.resolveTypesFor 276 NEW normal 467435
11. CoreException in CLIResult.asCoreException 255 UNCONFIRMED normal -
12. IllegalArgumentException in RegularExpressionLiteral.setRegularExpression 225 UNCONFIRMED normal -
13. NoSuchMethodError in EsprimaParser.parse 195 UNCONFIRMED normal -
14. IllegalStateException below JsonUtil.readJsonFromIFile (thrown in JsonReader.beginObject) 166 UNCONFIRMED normal -
15. _javascript_ModelException below (thrown in JavaModelOperation.runOperation) 164 ASSIGNED normal 472230
16. FileNotFoundException below SystemLibraryLocation.copyFile (thrown in FileOutputStream.open0) 137 UNCONFIRMED normal -
17. OutOfMemoryError in Util.getInputStreamAsCharArray 121 UNCONFIRMED normal -
18. AssertionFailedException below JavaSourceViewer.getBidiLineSegments (thrown in Position.setLength) 103 UNCONFIRMED normal -
19. DebugException below CLI.sendCLICommand (thrown in RuntimeProcess.getExitValue) 103 NEW normal 495548
20. ClassCastException in CompilationUnit.findElements 102 UNCONFIRMED normal -
21. NullPointerException in Scope.getKey 99 UNCONFIRMED normal -
22. OperationCanceledException below SetContainerOperation.execute (thrown in ThreadJob.waitForRun) 83 UNCONFIRMED normal -
23. StringIndexOutOfBoundsException below BreakContinueTargetFinder.getSource (thrown in String.substring) 79 UNCONFIRMED normal -
24. BadLocationException below _javascript_ValidationStrategy.computePartitioning (thrown in AbstractDocument.computePartitioning) 68 UNCONFIRMED normal -
25. OutOfMemoryError in Scanner.getLineEnds 65 UNCONFIRMED normal -
26. SAXParseException below History.load (thrown in DOMParser.parse) 65 UNCONFIRMED normal -
27. NullPointerException below SelectionRequestor.resolveCompilationUnit (thrown in String.<init>) 64 UNCONFIRMED normal -
28. IllegalStateException in CloseableMap.put 57 UNCONFIRMED normal -
29. ClassCastException in NpmScriptContentProvider.inputChanged 54 UNCONFIRMED normal -
30. ResourceException below WorkbenchResourceUtil.findFileRecursively (thrown in Resource.checkExists) 54 NEW normal 496199

Problem Resolution Statistics

Problem ResolutionsCount

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