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[wtp-dev] Marketplace entries for WTP use-cases?

Hi all,

With the arrival of editor discovery on marketplace, it's very likely that Marketplace via editor discovery will become one of the main way for users to install plugins. In order to make WTP features more "discoverable" to users, it would be nice to have marketplace entries for those.
Namely, I believe there could be multiple entries:
* Eclipse WebTools for XML (tagged with fileExtension_xml, fileExtension_xsd ...)
* Eclipse WebTools for HTML (tagge with fileExtension_html, fileExtension_xhtml, fileExtension_css...)
* Eclipse WebTools for JSON (tagged wil fileExtension_json)
* Eclipse WebTools for _javascript_ (tagged with fileExtension_js)
* Eclipse WebTools for Java EE (tagged with fileExtension_jsf, fileExtension_jsf...)

Who should be in charge of creating those? If you think it's not a problem, I'd be fine with doing this, but I'll need a couple of names as backup to react to administration requests when I'm not available.
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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