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Re: [wtp-dev] JS EPP package missing Run actions

Hello, Mickael
it looks like "org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.nodejs.feature" (bower, npm, grunt, gulp are there)  is not presented in the epp.product / I would really like to make a contibution but I will be off till Friday due to relocation

On Tue, Mar 29, 2016 at 8:26 PM, Mickael Istria <mistria@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,

So there we are, there is now an EPP package for _javascript_ and Web developer. That's a good thing!
The main issue I noticed in this package is the lack of "Run actions" for _javascript_ in general. For example, right-click on a package.json or a Grunt doesn't even show a Run As menu. Can someone please have a look and suggest which features could be missing, and even contribute the patch to org.eclipse.epp.packages ;) ?
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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