Hi Samuel,
I see that the R3.7.0/I-latest repo is now available. Unfortunately, this was not enough because the build also tried to find the Platform's 4.5 M6 repo. This looked suspicious to me and I found that the build uses an outdated version of the wtp-parent artifact.
The reason for this is that the Gerrit jobs are configured to use the shared Maven repo on the HIPP and expect to find the wtp-parent artifact there. But the deploy-webtools-parent-pom-3.6 job uses a private Maven repo, so its execution does not update the shared Maven repo. As a simple solution I just reconfigured the deploy-webtools-parent-pom-3.6 job to not use private Maven repo.
As a result the javaee-gerrit job started picking up the latest wtp-parent, but then it started looking for R3.8.0/I-latest p2 repo, which was not available. To resolve this, I just copied the official 3.7.0 repo to R3.8.0/I-latest on the download site. I guess this location will be updated in future as part of the I-build declaration process.
Now the compilation in the javaee-gerrit job runs correctly, but the javaee tests are not executed at all. I will look at this later.