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[wtp-dev] I would like to resign from several webtools sub-projects

Specifically, I'd like to resign from the following sub-projects:


On the one hand, this make conceptual sense since I never have contributed much to these projects, beyond fixing a few features, applying a few patches when no one was around, etc., and even more now than ever, would not be in a position to participate much in any "project level discussions for decisions".  But plan to stay in source editing (admittedly, sort of for sentimental reasons :) and webtools.releng (I actually still work on code there occasionally).

The timing of this change is motivated by me belonging in more than 16 unix groups which causes no end of grief for me in my recent "releng" role because my "new group" is in the "greater than 16 range" so removing these 5 groups will put me under the limit again, and give me more practical control over some files/directories which is complicated by unix groups limit (and NFS, I believe, out of the box, you need to recompile it to change the constant, little that I understand it). (see bug 378708 if you are interested in that kind complications I've been fighting).

So, Project Leads, the sooner the better :)

But, to repeat, this makes sense anyway, independent of the 16 group limit, so that's just motivated me to do something I should have done before now.

It goes without saying, WTP is and will always be getting attention from me, so this represents no change in that!


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