Just an FYI, this release of Xerces-J makes use of the PsychoPath XPath
2.0 processor from the wst.xsl component for XPath 2.0 support in XML
Schema Assertions.
-------- Original Message --------
Hi all,
The Apache Xerces project team is pleased to announce that version
2.10.0 of Apache Xerces-J is now available.
Xerces-J 2.10.0 can be downloaded at: http://xerces.apache.org/mirrors.cgi
This release introduces experimental support for the XML Schema 1.1
Structures and Datatypes (December 2009) Working Drafts (see
Xerces-J-bin.2.10.0-xml-schema-1.1-beta.zip). It also contains an
implementation of the parser related portions of JAXP 1.4, including
partial support for StAX 1.0 (javax.xml.stream.events only) and a
complete implementation of the DOM Element Traversal API. It contains
fixes for several bugs which were present in Xerces-J 2.9.1, as well as
a few other enhancements and performance improvements.
Specifically, the changes introduced in this release are:
* Added experimental support for XML Schema 1.1 (refer to the
documentation for a list of features supported). [Ken Cai, John Chan,
Mukul Gandhi, Hiranya Jayathilaka, Khaled Noaman, Kun Xu]
* Implemented enhancements to javax.xml.validation that were
introduced by JAXP 1.4, including support for StAXSource/StAXResult as
an input/output to the JAXP Validator, StreamResult as an output to the
JAXP Validator and StAXSource as an input to the SchemaFactory.
[Michael Glavassevich]
* Added support for the StAX 1.0 event API
(javax.xml.stream.events). [Michael Glavassevich, Lucian Holland]
* Added support for the Element Traversal API
(org.w3c.dom.ElementTraversal). [Michael Glavassevich]
* Implemented a property for starting schema assessment from a
specific element declaration and enhanced the existing property for
starting schema assessment from a type definition to accept a
javax.xml.namespace.QName as a value. [Michael Glavassevich]
* Added a property for specifying the locale to use when reporting
error and warning messages. [Michael Glavassevich]
* Added support for matching multi-digit back references in regular
expressions. [Khaled Noaman]
* Added a method to the ItemPSVI interface in the XML Schema API to
expose error messages corresponding to the error codes that were
already available in the PSVI. [Michael Glavassevich]
* Implemented native support for UTF-16. [Michael Glavassevich]
* Improved usability of the XML Schema API by updating XSNamedMap
and all of the list type interfaces to extend java.util.Map and
java.util.List respectively. [Michael Glavassevich]
* Improved performance by eliminating excessive calls to
XMLSchemaValidator.findSchemaGrammar() when processing local elements
with no namespace. [Michael Glavassevich]
* Improved recovery from schema loading errors. [Sandy Gao]
* Improved performance of Element.getBaseURI() when the depth of
the node to the document root is longer. [Ludger Bünger]
* Implemented several improvements in the DOM implementation to
help the garbage collector reclaim objects which are no longer
reachable by the application but were held on to strongly by the
Document node. [Ludger Bünger]
* Improved the messages reported for minOccurs/maxOccurs related
schema validation errors. [Michael Glavassevich]
* Fixed problems with regular _expression_ matching where the parser
would hang or cause a stack overflow exception. [Khaled Noaman]
* Fixed a problem where the LSParser repeatedly overwrote a text
node child of an element (rather than appending) when there are
multiple text nodes in the input. [Michael Glavassevich]
* Fixed an infinite loop in XMLScanner which could allow remote
attackers to launch a denial of service attack (CVE-2009-2625).
[Michael Glavassevich]
* Fixed a bug in XSDateTime where getXMLGregorianCalendar() would
lose precision for fractional digits and insert time-zones where there
are none. [Michael Glavassevich]
* Fixed a bug in the DOM implementation where a static text Node
field in AttrImpl broke thread-safety of mutations in independent
documents from within an event listener. This was also a potential
memory leak. [Ludger Bünger]
* Fixed a bug in the SoftReferenceSymbolTable which could cause it
to get stuck in an infinite loop. [Anli Shundi]
* Fixed a bug which could cause an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
to be thrown when adopting a node from a deferred DOM. [Michael
* Fixed various bugs and made various improvements. [Nathan Beyer,
Dave Brosius, Ludger Bünger, Arthur De Magalhaes, Mukul Gandhi, Sandy
Gao, Michael Glavassevich, Khaled Noaman]
A complete list of JIRA issues resolved in this release is
available here: http://s.apache.org/zUd
For more information please visit: http://xerces.apache.org/xerces2-j/
Michael Glavassevich
XML Parser Development
IBM Toronto Lab
E-mail: mrglavas@xxxxxxxxxx
E-mail: mrglavas@xxxxxxxxxx