Some time ago, we went through the process of adapting the JSF team's
ant scripts that generate the proper ISV docs to get them to work with
the servertools component. You can use
servertools/docs/org.eclipse.servertools.doc.isv, as an example of the
scripts. Make sure you browse through the README.TXT, for detailed
steps on how to get it working.
Good luck!
Best Regards,
-- --
Mr. Angel Vera
Server Tools Developer for WTP and Rational
Lotus Notes: Angel Vera/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA
Tel: 905-413-5919 - E-Mail: arvera@xxxxxxxxxx
Those who think that something is impossible,
should not interfere with those who are willing to do it. - Angel Vera
Inactive hide details for David Carver ---04/14/2009 09:55:32 AM---Is
there a standard way the WTP SDK documentation is being gDavid Carver
---04/14/2009 09:55:32 AM---Is there a standard way the WTP SDK
documentation is being generated?
David Carver <dcarver@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
"General discussion of project-wide or architectural issues."
04/14/2009 09:55 AM
[wtp-dev] Generating WST SDK Documentation
Sent by:
Is there a standard way the WTP SDK documentation is being generated?
While going through the existing SDK, I noticed that WST particularly
the source editing components are not documented. I've opened bug
272053 to address this for the wst.xml component. However, to
correctly integrate this, I need to know the appropriate IDs that can be
used to plug into the existing SDK documentation catagories.
I checked the wiki but did not see this documented anywhere. Also, I
did not see a place that describes the documentation process and how
these are kept up to date.
I do have a process for XSL Tools that generates dynamically the toc.xml
as appropriate. It can be enhanced further to allow plugging in the
documentation at various extension points. We just need those ids
Ideally we should have the sdk documentation process as part of the
build so that it kept up to date with the rest of the artifacts from the
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