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[wtp-dev] Common Project 3.1 Planning

I created a query to capture Common Project's 3.1 plan items and started putting items into the plan.
As a reminder, in order to show up in the plan, the bug has to be an enhancement, marked with keyword "plan", targeted to 3.1 and in wst.common component. All committers on the common project should start reviewing enhancements that you are holding and picking out the items that you think you will work on for 3.1. I don't know that we need formal planning meetings for the Common Project, but if people think these would be useful, I can organize them.
- Konstantin

Konstantin Komissarchik | Principal Member of Technical Staff
Phone: +1 425 201 1795 | Mobile: +1 206 898 0611
Oracle Eclipse Tooling
411 108th Ave NE, Suite 2100 | Bellevue, WA 98004


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