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Re: [wtp-dev] Getting an EMF resource from an ArtifactEditModel, given an IFile and not a deploy location

Hi Karen, thanks I will take a look - please open a new bugzilla, your referenced bug seems unrelated to the recent changes.

- Chuck

Rational Java EE Tooling Team Lead
IBM Software Lab - Research Triangle Park, NC
Email:  cbridgha@xxxxxxxxxx
Phone: 919-254-1848 (T/L: 444)

Karen Moore <karen.moore@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: wtp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

08/31/2007 03:55 PM

Please respond to
"General discussion of project-wide or architectural issues."        <wtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

"General discussion of project-wide or architectural issues." <wtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: [wtp-dev] Getting an EMF resource from an ArtifactEditModel,        given an IFile and not a deploy location


It appears these changes (I'm assuming they are the changes in
EMF2DOMSSERenderer) have broken some use cases for us.  If I have an
orm.xml/persistence.xml file open when I open my workspace, I am unable
to edit it through the Dali JPA views.   I've debugged this some and
come down to the code in EMF2DOMSSERenderer.initializeXMLModel(IFIled,
boolean) doing a  IModelManager.copyModelForEdit() on line 328.  Then in
AbstractModelLoader.createModel(IStructuredModel)  a new
JobSafeStructuredDocument is created on line 141.  The problem is that
this new document does not have an fExecutionDelegate set on it like the
old one did (since it already had it set because it is open in the

So, when I later execute JobSafeStrucuredDocument.setText()  it goes
through the code for the executionDelegate being null and the editor is
not updated with the changes.

That's all the info I have uncovered, should I open a bug for this
problem?  Also, Dali bug 187295
<> was something we
had already found and sounds suspiciously similar.  The latest code
seems to have created more use cases that don't work.


Chuck Bridgham wrote:

> Paul,
> I beleive I fixed your issue with my code drop last night, can you try
> again with your original uri?   the normailization routine had some
> problems.
> - Chuck
> Rational Java EE Tooling Team Lead
> IBM Software Lab - Research Triangle Park, NC
> Email:  cbridgha@xxxxxxxxxx
> Phone: 919-254-1848 (T/L: 444)
> *Paul Fullbright <paul.fullbright@xxxxxxxxxx>*
> Sent by: wtp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
> 08/29/2007 06:38 PM
> Please respond to
> "General discussion of project-wide or architectural issues."      
>  <wtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> To
>                  "General discussion of project-wide or architectural issues."
> <wtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> cc
> Subject
>                  Re: [wtp-dev] Getting an EMF resource from an ArtifactEditModel,    
>    given an IFile and not a deploy location
> Ack, sorry, was wrong there.  It only uses that source URI for
> comparison purposes (normalization.)
> Paul Fullbright
> Oracle Corp.
> Eclipse Dali/Java Persistence Tools Development
> _paul.fullbright@oracle.com_ <mailto:paul.fullbright@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Paul Fullbright wrote:
>  Are EMF resources referenced only by their *deployment* URI's?  I
> seem to recall seeing that they were.  If so, is there any suggestion
> for having more than one resource with the same deploy path, but
> different source paths?  Or is this pretty much just completely
> disallowed?
> Actually, on further review, EMF resources are referenced (eventually,
> in the ResourceSet) by their file location
> ("platform:/resource/ProjectName/src/META-INF/persistence.xml"), not
> their deployment location.  If there were a way to look up  an EMF
> resource through the edit model using this sort of URI, that's all
> that we would need.
> Paul Fullbright
> Oracle Corp.
> Eclipse Dali/Java Persistence Tools Development
> _paul.fullbright@oracle.com_ <mailto:paul.fullbright@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Paul Fullbright wrote:
> Chuck,
> Because you are using the ArtifactEditModel.getResource api, we use
> our own internal "module:" protocol when constructing the uri.
> The resourceset has a URIConverter that knows how to normalize this
> uri using the projects component model.  The projects "root folder"
> is used to determine the offset, and I'm guessing this project uses
> the "src" folder.  Have you tried using the uri
> "META-INF/persistence.xml"?
> If we know what exact file we're looking for, then yes we can do that.
>  For example, when we're validating, we *know* we're looking for
> "META-INF/persistence.xml".  No problem.  API works fine.  And yes, in
> the case of a jst.utility project, I believe the root folder is always
> "src".  Of course, we work with a number of module facets, so it's
> only "src" in this specific case.
> Our problem is that we can have multiple files, and they really could
> be named anything or in just about any source or web content folder,
> if the user so wishes.  We build up our inter-resource (project-wide)
> model by scanning through the workspace and picking up all the files
> that are of interest to the JPA platform so that we can respond to
> file changes, renames, etc.  And we initialize the EMF models for
> those files at that first scan, at which point we only have the file
> location.  We could *assume* certain things about the file's location
> and what folder it's in, but I don't feel very comfortable about doing
> that.
> So the ability to access the resource given only the file location is
> pretty important.
> Most of our uri's are static, so we don't need to calculate the offset
> into the "deployed" path.  But if you have an IFile instance of your
> resource you can use:
> IVirtualComponent component = ComponentCore./createComponent/(project);
> List folderList =
> Arrays./asList/(component.getRootFolder().getUnderlyingFolders());  //
> All the folders that contribute to the root deployment path
> IPath path = WorkbenchResourceHelperBase./getPathFromContainers/(list,
> anIFile.getFullPath()); // Will find the first match(folder) that
> contains your IFile
> I will try this out.  Thanks.
> Are EMF resources referenced only by their *deployment* URI's?  I seem
> to recall seeing that they were.  If so, is there any suggestion for
> having more than one resource with the same deploy path, but different
> source paths?  Or is this pretty much just completely disallowed?
> Paul Fullbright
> Oracle Corp.
> Eclipse Dali/Java Persistence Tools Development
> _paul.fullbright@oracle.com_ <mailto:paul.fullbright@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Chuck Bridgham wrote:
> Paul - First I want to apologize for taking so long to respond...  I'm
> working on addressing these questions more regulary
> There may be an issue here, but I first want to understand your
> scenario...
> Because you are using the ArtifactEditModel.getResource api, we use
> our own internal "module:" protocol when constructing the uri.
> The resourceset has a URIConverter that knows how to normalize this
> uri using the projects component model.  The projects "root folder"
> is used to determine the offset, and I'm guessing this project uses
> the "src" folder.  Have you tried using the uri
> "META-INF/persistence.xml"?
> Most of our uri's are static, so we don't need to calculate the offset
> into the "deployed" path.  But if you have an IFile instance of your
> resource you can use:
> IVirtualComponent component = ComponentCore./createComponent/(project);
> List folderList =
> Arrays./asList/(component.getRootFolder().getUnderlyingFolders());  //
> All the folders that contribute to the root deployment path
> IPath path = WorkbenchResourceHelperBase./getPathFromContainers/(list,
> anIFile.getFullPath()); // Will find the first match(folder) that
> contains your IFile
> Hope this helps... Chuck
> Rational Java EE Tooling Team Lead
> IBM Software Lab - Research Triangle Park, NC
> Email:  _cbridgha@xxxxxx.com_ <mailto:cbridgha@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Phone: 919-254-1848 (T/L: 444)
> *Paul Fullbright **_<paul.fullbright@xxxxxxxxxx>_*
> <mailto:paul.fullbright@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent by: _wtp-dev-bounces@eclipse.org_
> <mailto:wtp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> 08/27/2007 03:37 PM
> Please respond to
> "General discussion of project-wide or architectural issues."      
>  _<wtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>_ <mailto:wtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> To
>                  "General discussion of project-wide or architectural issues."
> _<wtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>_ <mailto:wtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> cc
> Subject
>                  [wtp-dev] Getting an EMF resource from an ArtifactEditModel, given an
> IFile and not a deploy location
> I'm trying to load an EMF resource from a project's (a jst.utility
> project in this case, but this should work for any jst.* project) edit
> model.  I have the actual file, therefore also its full path or project
> relative path, which in this case is "src/META-INF/persistence.xml".
> When I call:
>   artifactEditModel.getResource(fileURI)  
>   (where fileURI is the URI for the project relative path above,
> "src/META-INF/persistence.xml")
> the edit model normalizes the path to
> "src/src/META-INF/persistence.xml", assuming that what I've given it is
> the *deployment* path for the resource.  It assumes, that since it can't
> find the virtual file for "src/META-INF/persistence.xml", that it
> doesn't exist, but that if it did exist, it would be at the same
> relative location in the first source folder for the project.  This
> seems wrong, because I'd expect that it would first see if there's an
> *actual* resource at the given location before trying to make such an
> assumption, but maybe there's a reason for doing this that I don't
> understand.  So the end result is that the edit model tries to give me a
> resource for the project relative location
> "src/src/META-INF/persistence.xml" (which doesn't exist) instead of the
> project relative location "src/META-INF/persistence.xml" (which does
> exist).
> Is there a way to either:
>   - easily find the deployment path for a source path?  (If I give the
> actual deployment path for the file "META-INF/persistence.xml", then the
> normalized path calculated will be correct.)
> or
>   - better specify the URI of my file resource so that the edit model
> can find my EMF resource?
> Thanks,
> Paul Fullbright
> Oracle Corp.
> Eclipse Dali/Java Persistence Tools Development_
> __paul.fullbright@oracle.com_ <mailto:paul.fullbright@xxxxxxxxxx>
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