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Re: [wtp-dev] Server port monitoring with a generic implementation

Hi Jan,

Gorken and Naci own the GenericServer framework, he might be able to help you better or correct what I am saying. I am not familiar fully familiar with his code, but I took a quick pick at it.

And it looks to me that you should be able to do what you want, as long as your .serverdef file specify the ports, it should be able to pick it up, have you done that already? Do you mind taking this question to the eclipse.webtools newsgroups? We can still help you there.

Best Regards,
-- --
Mr. Angel Vera
  Server Tools Developer for WTP and Rational
  Lotus Notes: Angel Vera/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA
  Tel: 905-413-5919 - E-Mail: arvera@xxxxxxxxxx
Those who think that something is impossible,
should not interfere with those who are willing to do it. - Angel Vera

Jan Bartel <janb@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: wtp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

07/26/2007 04:35 AM

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[wtp-dev] Server port monitoring with a generic implementation


I've been struggling to understand how I can get my Jetty server adapter to
present the jetty ports underneath the Server->Monitoring menu item. I can't
seem to see any way to do it, and I'm coming to the conclusion that using the
generic tools this just isn't possible, and I'd need to do a custom

Can anyone confirm whether my suspicions are right or not?

Much appreciated.
Jan Bartel, Webtide LLC | janb@xxxxxxxxxxx |
wtp-dev mailing list

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