Yes, there are more extension points that
you need to utilize before this will work. A good example to follow is the
Tomcat runtime, which is defined in org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.core plugin.
- Konstantin
robert.stryker@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:robert.stryker@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Robert Stryker
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006
12:13 PM
To: General
discussion of project-wide or architectural issues.
Cc: Konstantin Komissarchik
Subject: New Dynamic Web Project
Wizard, How to add a runtime?
Hello all:
I've been trying to create a runtime type to be added to the new
Dynamic Web Project wizard, but am having problems ensuring that not only is
the runtime properly created, but that it then shows up on the list of possible
runtimes in the wizard.
My use is pretty much to act as just a classpath provider, similar to the
GenericRuntimeWizardFragment, but with support for more than just one
I'm having problems discovering all the extension points needed for this.
So far:
I've used the org.eclipse.wst.server.core.runtimeTypes
extension to create my runtime.
I've used the org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.wizardFragments
extension to create teh wizard fragment.
At this point, I can create a new instance of the runtime, but it does not show
up on the list in the wizard. So I continued:
I tried to use the org.eclipse.jst.server.core.runtimeFacetMappings
extension to ensure that org.eclipse.jst.server.core.internal.RuntimeBridge
would add my runtime during its static initialization phase.
An exception is generated during the following code:
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// ignore
The call to RuntimeManager.getRuntimeComponentType("") executes the
final IRuntimeComponentType rc
(IRuntimeComponentType) runtimeComponentTypes.get( id );
... and promptly throws an exception because rc is null.
This is about where I get lost. I cant figure out if another extension point is
needed to ensure that the runtime bridge can add my runtime.
Any help that can be provided is greatly appreciated.
Thanks, all.
- Rob Stryker
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