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[wtp-dev] Request PMC approval for 135374

Please see

This is a critical regression which is blocking a number of IBM client code scenarios using annotations to the extent that deployment descriptor objects are not recognized as being annotated and are completely overwritten on project rebuilds.  The UI gets out of synch and the user is left very confused.

The problem is clients are not able to reconcile annotated objects from the framework tracking mechanism.  The patchs are attached to the defect, the fix is safe, has been tested, and is isolated from non-annotated code paths.


John Lanuti
Software Engineer, IBM Rational
t/l 441-7861

"I know this lady way down in my country.
She is so pretty that my eyes throw disguises at me.
Now we will sit and we'll wonder about our future,
But now I'm thinking that today sounds fine to me."  - Of A Revolution

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