I have a question about WTP’s expected behavior for
server commands when server models might not apply for those commands.
Specifically, I’d like to know about “Publish” vs.
For the Tomcat server model, “Publish” is to
deploy web artifacts into a Tomcat runtime, whereas “Start” is to
kick off a server process to run the deployed files. Here,
“Publish” and “Start” are independent – a user
can start a Tomcat runtime without deploying files, and a user can publish (or
deploy) an app without starting the server process.
But is that still the expected behavior of these commands
for servers that don’t necessarily fit into that model? For example, if
it doesn’t make sense for a server to publish without starting the server
(in other words, the publish and the start are very closely tied together),
then should the server runtime extension developer work into that model
(“Publish” to a temp directory, for example) or should the server
runtime extension developer treat the commands as a “best fit”
(“Publish” will leave the server in a started state)?
The UI developer in me sees the architecture from the UI POV
and thinks that a UI with commands that behave significantly differently is
typically a red flag for a poor UI. On the other hand, I understand that a
“best fit” model is more true to the commands that a server runtime
offers. Here are the options as I see them:
1- Work the
server instance into the existing “Publish” /
“Start” system
2- Let the
“Publish” / “Start” commands mean different things
depending on runtime type
3- Submit a
patch to update the UI so that “Publish” / “Start” are
extensible to other server publish models
Can you provide me with some background about how the
“Publish” / “Start” system came about and which option
might be best of the above options?
-- John